Paideia Workshops
The Full Ministry Church
6 hours
The Full Ministry Church workshop offers a penetrating look at the life and ministry of Jesus Christ which reveals a call to Full ministry. A study of Jesus’ declaration of ministry in Luke 4:18-21 requires each one of us to evaluate the work and ministry of our Church in light of His earthly ministry.
Outcomes: The workshop identifies the central message of Jesus’ ministry and assesses contemporary ministry models and their relationship to the ministry model of Jesus Christ. Specific ministries within the church/organization are evaluated through small group exercises to re-align them with Jesus’ ministry model. New ministry initiatives will be outlined to re-invigorate existing church ministries or to create new ministries to address the needs of the fellowship and the community in which it serves.
Legend: Ministry Development--MD | Team Building--TB | Strategic Planning--SP
Workshop--W | Study--S